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Track details

Worldsize: 94 | Length: 174

[mic] [stc] Azmo

04.10.2011 17:20 HJ 1 v1.10

License information: You can use this track for contests You are not allowed to edit and redistribute this track! You are allowed redistribute this track if you keep the author�s credits

I felt bored so I set myself a challenge that I would put random values in track properties and try to make a track with that setting. I didn't manage to totally keep that setting, I had to increase world size by 20, but otherwise the properties are the same as I put them.

I started to make an office block complex in the top, but when I checked, how it looks in GR, I thought it looked more like the world edge is going zigzag there. I then decided to try to keep that illusion instead of making the office block complex I had in my mind. Sadly, that illusion works only with 4:3 sreen ratio, with other screen ratios you can see only stupidly placed office blocks.

(, 10.94 kb)

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