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Track details

Worldsize: 185 | Length: 504

[cir] Maorgarnn

21.07.2013 17:47 HJ 0 v1.2

License information: You can use this track for contests You are not allowed to edit and redistribute this track! You are allowed redistribute this track if you keep the author�s credits

When I was making my JET square, I found out that after a long time I again enjoy very much making an ordinary track. So after the square was done I started working a new circuit, which should meet the same level as all the ToM podium tracks I made back in 2011.

I got the idea for the layout while I was racing in AleksiNir's Därin. Every time I drove through Därin's 2nd and 3rd corner, I thought that some kind of Maggots-Becketts reminding corner combination would be fitting after those corners. I used that idea as the base for the layout. When I was making the track, also the scenery was heavily inspired by Därin. Then at one point I got an idea about making the top part almost empty, and I think that it was a really good thing to do. So in the end, I think, the track ended up looking something like Därin meets Trigger Happy's Fionn Gorm with some my personal touches included. At least that's my feeling about the track.

The zip includes a version for 4:3 screen ratio (Maorgarnn.trk) and a version for 16:9 screen ratio (Maorgarnn W.trk).

(, 166.74 kb)

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