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Worldsize: 200 | Length: 393

[cir] Slug Wing

26.06.2011 18:50 egamad 6 v1.05

License information: You can use this track for contests You are not allowed to edit and redistribute this track! You are allowed redistribute this track if you keep the author�s credits

A wing of a slug in 3 layouts.

(, 167.42 kb)

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31.12.2010 18:19 Buka Tracks Favourites PM

Very nice one!

01.01.2011 04:41 bduddy Tracks Favourites PM

The last two parts of the "license information" seem to contradict each other. But great track! >_>

01.01.2011 22:11 Crono Tracks Favourites PM

That means: You are not allowed to redistribute the original track, but you can edit/create a new Track based on this and redistribute it as a new track. But if someone has suggestions to improve this system: just tell me

Cu Crono

## - German Gene Rally Community ##
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30.03.2012 19:30 The lost Ninja Tracks Favourites PM

Great one!

23.08.2015 05:51 Jonathonf Tracks Favourites PM


Edited 23.08.2015 05:51

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