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Track details

Worldsize: 70 | Length: 161

[mic] [ovl] Mirage

10.11.2014 16:23 HJ 0 v1.2

License information: You can use this track for contests You are not allowed to edit and redistribute this track! You are allowed redistribute this track if you keep the author�s credits

A cute little GR track in the middle of a desert? Hmm, maybe it's just a mirage.

It's micro oval with just a plain circle as layout. A little bit experimental track, where I made a very simple layout and concentrated more on making the lmap as nice as I could.

This track has been designed for McTurbo. The dashed white line on the track has the purpose of telling information about hmap; the banking on the outside of the dashed line is stronger and inside the dashed line it is milder.

(, 54.44 kb)

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