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CategoryAll Categories (784)[cir] circuit (358)[stc] street circuit (83)[roa] road track (60)[ovl] oval track (60)[stu] stunt track (54)[ral] off-road racing (156)[kar] kart track (7)[mic] micro track (47)[wat] water track (1)[oth] other (91)[rwl] real world location (119)[tpk] track pack (53)[evo] evolution pack (6)[stg] stage (14)
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Note: These settings also apply to the profile pages.
Remember copyrights when posting. If your track is based on the work of somebody else always ask for a permission AND mention the original author in your track description. By doing this you show respect to author and his/her copyrights and avoid being accused of stealing other peoples work.
All posted tracks should be complete and working. Meaning that the track contains a proper starting grid, checkpoints, pits, AI line and AI line for pits. Any exception to this must be stated in track description.
Avoid posting the same track twice. If you wish to post an updated version of your track you can just replace the track file in the existing post.
All track posts must include a screenshot of the track. You may upload GIF, JPEG and PNG images. Screenshots will be resized automatically.
Specify the type of tracks in your post and be truthful about it.
Yes, i read the rules and accept them.